Role of Omega-3 – Important for Mother and Child

Not only vitamins, minerals and trace elements are vital to our health, but also healthy fats. Fats that promote health in a special way include the polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Good sources for these fats are sea fish, like herring, salmon and mackerel.
The fatty acid DHA plays an important role in the brain as it is significantly involved in the linking and transmitting of signals that make thought processes possible in the first place.
The unborn child in the womb already builds the omega-3 fatty acid into its brain and into the retina of its eyes. If the mother is well supplied with EPA and DHA, then so is the child, as she delivers the omega-3 fatty acids to her baby via the umbilical cord.
But what does the levels of the essential omega-3 fatty acids look like in children and adults? Unfortunately, it often does not meet the recommendations of the nutrition societies. Many people eat considerably less fish than recommended. In children and adolescents, the levels are often inadequate as well, although there are many studies stating that children, too, ought to ensure a good supply with omega-3 fatty acids.
• Taking DHA during pregnancy may reduce the risk of preterm birth
• DHA is utilized rapidly by the baby’s brain and retina during pregnancy. Omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, are building blocks of the baby’s brain and retina. As accumulation of DHA continues until age two, DHA intake is essential during breastfeeding and formula feeding.
• Consuming omega-3 during pregnancy may have a benefit for maternal mental well-being.
• Although many factors play a role, DHA supplementation during pregnancy may positively impact a child’s risk of Childhood obesity.
Doppelherz® aktiv Vital Pregna supplement has been formulated to assist women through their preg-nancy from the conception time until the end of the breastfeeding period. Vital Pregna brings the nutrients required for a good development of the fetus and of the baby. Doppelherz Vital Pregna is contains Omega 3 fatty acid in the for of DHA.